This website is a resource for anyone wanting to spend more (and better quality) time in the great outdoors.
The website explains the different types of outdoor places and spaces in the United Kingdom, and their special qualities. It gives links to the organisations whose purpose is to care for our coast, countryside and wildlife, plus those that help us to enjoy the great outdoors.
There’s a walks and cycle-ride finder, offering a vast range of options for spending quality time outdoors. There are links to journey planners for those who don’t have access to a car.

There’s a list of films, TV programmes and publications that can help us connect with nature and the great outdoors.
One of the underlying principles of My Great Outdoors is the need to nurture a love of nature in ourselves and in those we care for. Children tend to absorb and copy their parents’ actions and values – if you are someone who is enthusiastic about venturing outdoors and learning about the natural world this should rub off on your children. So, there’s a section about engaging children and young people with the great outdoors.
Of course, outdoor activities are more enjoyable in fine weather. That said, a walk amid a winter landscape can be stunning.

If the weather really is rotten, then snuggling up at home in front of a wildlife documentary is an enjoyable and educational option, as is reading a book or magazine about nature.